Meet Ajdin Deljkić

Lead DevOps Engineer


At Bloomteq, Ajdin's role as a Lead DevOps Engineer is multifaceted: He is a mentor, a strategist, and a technical visionary. He leads by example, fostering a collaborative environment where team members are encouraged to grow and innovate. With a deep understanding of AWS, Kubernetes, and a comprehensive DevSecOps stack, including Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles, security automation tools, and continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, Ajdin guides our tech department. His expertise in these technologies ensures we leverage our teams full potential to maintain strong, scalable, and secure applications. His goal is to ensure that Bloomteq's tech department remains at the cutting edge of secure software development, always ready to tackle the challenges that come our way, with a strong emphasis on automation, security best practices, and operational excellence.


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